Types of Novels
Novel. If something is innovative and new, which it has never been seen, mentioned or thought of before, label it as a novel. The word novel derives from the Indo-European root – “novel” – and by different routes. In French, the term is known as les bout de noir, while in German it is called schrank. In modern language the term is rarely used nowadays.
In the Early Modern Period, the term was used to designate an entire manuscript written or issued under the title of “ession de traitre.” It usually had the same theme and was aimed at a general reader. “ession” referred to the entire essay or piece as a “book.” Thus, “essions” were the term used in the early Modern Period for philosophical novels or essays.
In the late Middle Ages, “nouveau novel” came into diction. It described a type of novel which differed largely from all earlier varieties and which owed its origin to the French Revolution and the rise of the novel genre. All the major literary works of this period had one thing in common: they were all written in an idiom quite different from the language we use today. As a consequence, the term was not well accepted and it was considered as a mere pretension to luxury.
But the modern era saw new fangled ideas beingrafted on to the already established genre. Science fiction, fantasy, mystery, science fiction, and a host of other terms entered the arena and started giving life to new genres. In fact, some of the best-selling authors of our time (writers like HG Wells, George R.R. Martin, Aldous Huxley, Philip Pullman, and others) have been genre writers. Their efforts did help to popularize a number of novelistic forms. But there is no doubt that the genre itself never went out of existence and modern writers are still making contributions to it.
But the nineteenth century witnessed a new kind of novel, one that was far removed from the fantasy that had dominated the previous century. This novel form was literature of the emotion. Literature in this century dealt extensively with emotions and their influences on human beings. Here we find the main article: Emotions in the Novel. The article describes various types of emotions that can be found in literature.
From the age officials publications and the beginnings of the twentieth century, the novel has evolved greatly. But its influence on the modern reader is still very great. In the twenty-first century we find many novels which have a popular appeal. These novels are written keeping in mind the age group for which they are written – for children, teenagers, adults and even older people.