Politics is the study of institutions or groups of people, including the distribution of public status or wealth, or the allocation of resources. The field of political science is known as social science because it studies government and politics. It is also known as polity. Politics is the application of governing ideas to institutions, individuals and groups. Politics has been an important force since the advent of democracy and has been one of the driving forces behind many social movements.

The study of politics is extremely important because it forms the basis for understanding human societies and politics. The scope and significance of politics are currently very low in comparison to other subjects in higher education, but it is still important because it enables us to govern ourselves. Without politics, there would be chaos, starvation, war and the like, and without the ability to govern ourselves, we cannot determine what kind of society we want to have, how we will govern ourselves and if we even can have one. Thus, the study of politics and political science helps to determine the future of a country. It also provides a base of knowledge about various national issues and their solutions.
Politics as a discipline was first identified in the nineteenth century by thinkers such as Leo Tolstoy, Michel de Montaigne and Jean Piaget. The main focus of such early political theorists was the clash between political idealism and the reality of politics in the time and place they lived. The theories of institutional power and political economy were developed to provide a scientific explanation for the way in which politics actually works.
Since then, most theories on politics have analysed political institutions, groups and individuals in much greater detail, including more contemporary theories such as those of the author of theenoanalysis. The field of political theory has evolved over the years, especially with the developments of political science and social sciences. One can study politics at many different levels. For instance, at school you might study political science, and in terms of a PhD dissertation you might opt for a focus on the body politics of pregnant women in politics.
Studying the politics of women, for example, is important from the standpoint that women’s bodies are subject to violence regularly, and that they have very little political power. When we speak of politics, we typically refer to the process of governing as a system, with certain actors influencing the governance of political power through the processes of politics. When we speak of a society, we are generally referring to a set of interacting human beings who share a common language, culture, and social organisation. In order to understand how politics really works, we need to study all the different dimensions of human societies and politics as they have been in history.
Fortunately, there is a large body of work that addresses the many dimensions of body politics. One such important dimension is that of reproductive rights. It is likely that the right to abortion is an area of great debate between those who support it and those who do not. It is also likely that the political power of pro-life groups is increasing as a result of their powerful lobby. There are many debates taking place right now on the viability of abortion, but it is safe to say that no one has yet won a decisive majority on this issue.