Political Theory and Politics in Education
Politeness can be defined as the use of language especially among superiors and inferiors in the workplace, schools, universities or elsewhere. Politeness is practiced not only among colleagues but it is practiced among friends, family members and strangers. In business terms, politeness is a polite way of making others feel welcome.
Politics is the collection of political actions that are related to making political decisions in regards to societal matters, like the distribution of economic status or goods, or the distribution of personal benefits to people. The field of politics can be divided into various sub-disciplines. One of these is known as political science which studies how politics influences society in general. The second sub-discipline is known as public administration, which studies how politics affects public policies and institutions. Another sub-discipline is known as psychology which studies how politics influence individual behavior.
Politeness is a virtue that many politicians, sports team members or ordinary citizens can practice. In fact, Politeness is practiced by everybody in everyday life. Politeness is very important in any group or institution because without it, the relationships in that group or institution may crumble. As we all know, human beings are social animals. Humans need a group to care for them and to whom they can feel safe and respected.
The study of politics has many fields and branches. One of these branches of politics is known as international relations. International relations is considered to be one of the most important and influential disciplines of politics. This is because international relations is intimately connected to the processes of diplomacy and international security. Studying international relations is therefore extremely significant for those who are involved in politics at the national level and beyond. Studying international relations is therefore extremely important in any career path as it broadens one’s perspective on how politics affects the world as a whole and how international relations affect various nations and their political systems.
Another branch of political science is known as Greek politics. A great number of scholars have spent years looking into this branch as to what role ancient Greek citizens, city-states and polities played in the affairs of the wider world. It has been discovered that Greek polities during the last 7th century B.C. were quite political in nature and tried to exert considerable political power over their cities and nations. This led to a development of a unique brand of political rhetoric, known as “theolyticism”.
In the modern era, political history has become even more important and relevant than it ever was in the ancient times. With the changing world today, it is no longer enough to simply seek knowledge for its own sake. Today, knowledge can actually be used to bring about change. In fact, there are already many instances where students and teachers are working together to create educational programs that incorporate politics in the curriculum. The wide range of political education and research that has been done in recent years has resulted in the creation of many colleges and universities that further promote political awareness and participation among students and teachers alike. In doing so, political history has become even more relevant as our world becomes evermore connected and interdependent.