Politics is the set of political activities which are related to making decisions in bands, groups or other informal arrangements of power relationships between people, including the distribution of status or resources. The field of social science that studies government and politics is known as political science. The major areas of politics are federal government, politics at local levels, national politics, popular political movements and social policy. The major subjects which are usually studied are the philosophy of politics, history of politics, political science and political communication.
Politics has its own terminology and it includes different kinds of political devices, such as ethos, polity, jusuru, kurugan, autocracy, constitutionalism and socialism. It also covers other things like popular constitutionalism, paternalism, liberalism, progressivism, and radicalism. All the devices have their own significance and are used for the political purposes. It includes deliberative, persuasive, influencing and popular decision making. All these processes take place within the community or society.
Greek politics is divided into several branches, such as ethical/moral, civic, economic/fiscal, political and international polity. Ethical/ Moral Politics deals with right and wrong, justice and freedom, and moral right. Civic Politics deal with political institutions and politics. Economic/ Fiscal Politics deals with the policies of state financing. International Politics concerns about international organizations and international political struggles. These branches further include the political theory and praxis of Greek polity.
Greek polity has been defined by Plato as a system of indirect rule by a council elected for that purpose. Politics, according to him, is a struggle between economic rivalries, with the end being the welfare of the polis (the city). Politics, according to Plato, is the state form in which the demos, or the people, make their own laws. Aristotle’s Politics is defined by him as theoria, which means an apprehension of the duties and functions of a public or private life. Politics according to him is a rational discipline which controls the inclinations of the citizens towards civic and communal virtues.
The modern period of politics is characterized by the development of new concepts. These include freedom of the press, liberal arts, constitutionalism, progressivism, environmentalism, socialism and radicalism. Some philosophies of politics were enriched by the rise of the scientific revolution, such as liberalism, communism, socialism and dialectical materialism. In political history, besides the rise of new philosophies and political movements, there also arose different ways of organizing political economy, such as classical liberalism and neo-liberalism. With the development of new concepts and approaches to the political history, there emerged different political forms, including constitutional government, constitutional monarchism, absolute monarchism, autocratic government, absolute democracy, pluralistic government and multiparital marriage.
Aristotle teaches that politics is concerned with how people relate to each other and how they interpret the societal order and institutions they have created. Politics is based on the principle that social life is founded on justice, freedom, equality and freedom; these are the prerequisites for a just life. Politics also has a deep concern with the inheritance, property and positions to which a person is entitled; this is what Aristotle called kinetics. Aristotle contends that a polarity is present between liberalism and conservatism, and he defines liberalism as pertaining to practical reasoning whereas conservatism is guided by values and attitudes.