How to Choose a Novel Category
A novel is a kind of story work, consisting of many short story chapters which tell a short story and generally set in a single geographical location. Within the broad genre of this novel, the main category has encompassed an extensive spectrum of styles and kinds: epic, realism, steampunk, horror, coming-of-age, historical, psychological, picaresque and yes, even fantasy. The only common factor among these different categories is that every one exhibits a strong plotline and narrative thread that draw on various inspirations and forms, most often literary ones, from genres such as romance, fantasy, science fiction, horror and the works of William Shakespeare.
Fantasy Novels is stories that do not concern themselves with reality but instead are constructed around imaginary worlds that are usually created for the sole purpose of entertainment, such as a fairy tale, a nursery rhyme or a play. Fantasy novels can also take place within the world of science fiction, although they cannot be fully classified as such. Here, fictional concepts and settings are used to present fictitious stories in an attempt to raise the level of discussion and debate within the culture. Fantasy novels have the most success when they deal with mythical creatures, places and times, but can also take on a very personal touch. These novels therefore tend to appeal to the younger crowd who love to read about magical adventures, exotic places and faraway places that can be explained away by advanced science.
Novels that fall into the more traditional category of fiction, such as historical or classic romance, are more complex than any other type of novel. While many readers expect a plot-driven story with an intricate plot, more casual readers tend to enjoy plots that are less intricate and more in line with their natural tendencies and moods. When writing a romance novel, it is important to remember that readers tend to have expectations regarding plot and character development. A short story that includes romance, however, should be written in a manner that will engage the reader and let them come back for more, and a more complex plot may not be the answer.
Classic literary fiction is also often categorized as fantasy because of its often complex nature. Fantasy novels often include magic, gods and other supernatural characters that create a more intense feeling and allow the author to include more complex ideas and characters. It is common for fantasy novels to include an intricate plotline, because these are generally very intricate tales that involve very complicated characters that deal with very difficult situations. Fantasy novels may also use different forms of prose, including prose that is descriptive, poetic, or epic. Poetry is very popular in this category of novel because it allows the writer to describe scenes in great detail while still providing a basic plotline. This is a wonderful way to add a more spiritual element to the novel since the entire novel will be based around a religious theme.
Novels in the novella category are shorter stories that are very easy to digest and are great for introducing readers to the basics of fiction. It is common for a novel to be categorized as a novelette if it is written less than forty thousand words. Most of these stories deal with teenage or young adult subjects, and they can involve anything from romance to science fiction. Novellas can be very good examples of narrative fiction and most of them are written as stand-alone novels.
There are several different classifications for fiction novels and the best way to choose one is by determining which way the story needs to be told. If you are writing a story about a child being raised by grandparents and being adopted by another family, then it would likely be best classified as a fairy tale. On the other hand, if you are working on a screenplay for a movie that is based on an original story or novel, then you are more likely to want to choose one of the many commercial fiction categories that are available.