Build Popularity for Your Blog With These Simple Strategies
A blog (abbreviated from weblog) is basically a web log or online journal, displaying relevant information in reverse chronological order, typically with the newest posts appearing at the top. Blogging for profit has a very simple purpose: to increase your presence in Google, a.k.a in SEO, a method to rank your site higher in Google’s SERPs. There are two ways to optimize your blog so it can benefit you in your online endeavours: one is to attract visitors by posting excellent and informative content and the other is to use social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook. The latter is by far the better option, as it allows you to reach out to more potential visitors.
Blogs are useful for a number of reasons: as online diaries, they can reveal your emotions, help you bond with family and friends, display your knowledge and skills, connect with others with similar interests, and even as a way of making some extra money. But if you want to take your blogging to the next level, you’ll need to find other ways to promote your blog besides just blogging. For example, you can use your blog as an informal forum, where you can share links to your blog posts and articles with your friends. Some people even use their blog as a personal journal, publishing their thoughts, insights, and concerns in their diary, sometimes referred to as a “diary.” A diary is not considered a blog, so no SEO will be done, but if you are open to adding links throughout your diary to other helpful websites, then consider using that site as your primary link-builder.
Another way to increase your presence and popularity within the blogging world is to actively participate in the various discussion forums. This doesn’t mean you have to join each and every popular blogging website and start participating in blog threads, but simply by leaving comments on other people’s blogs on a regular basis can really build some momentum. Of course, you don’t want to spam your own blogs with all of your blogs comments, but leaving relevant and helpful comments on other blogs related to yours and to different topics and niches will show those readers that you are interested in their well being. While this won’t increase your popularity or readership rates like having your own blog, it will show others that you are reasonable and trustworthy, which can help you in other areas.
If you are a blogger who is trying to make some money through blogging, you can also consider building links to your blog. Linking your blog to another blog, and even to a forum or mailing list related to your niche can help you draw in some new readers and get your blog’s popularity increased significantly. However, please keep in mind that you should never spam or market yourself in any way when you are posting comments or participating in conversations on other bloggers’ blogs, as this can be viewed as spamming.
One last strategy for getting your blog’s popularity increased is to leave informative blog posts. When you are blogging, you should always try to provide your readers with new and interesting information. This can be accomplished by writing about topics that you are knowledgeable about and have experience in. You should write about these topics so that you can create quality content for your readers to enjoy reading. Many people view educational blog posts as a quality way to impress their readers and may start viewing your blog posts as a source of quality information.
There are many bloggers who don’t blog for the purpose of building their popularity, but instead for the purpose of money. Some bloggers make a little extra cash each month by blogging about a particular topic they are very passionate about. You can easily do this as well, but you should try not to use your blog to try to make money in this way. If you do this, you may find your blog has a very small audience, and in fact, your blog could become completely inactive if nobody visits it. For most bloggers, blogging is done in order to build their readership and for them to earn money, and they do not really care what their viewers think of their blogs.